Trains from Ho Chi Minh City to Hue

Train Depart Ho Chi Minh City Arrive Hue
SE2 7:00 PM 2:43 PM (+1 days)
SE4 11:00 PM 5:06 PM (+1 days)
SE6 15:45 PM 1:21 PM (+1 days)
SE8 6:30 AM 2:07 AM (+1 days)

How to book:

There are two ways to buy a train ticket – off the counter at a train station – which is the cheapest way to buy one or to buy the ticket online in advance. While buying ticket off at the station is economical, it does not always guarantee you get the train ticket – popular routes usually sell fast. Online agent such as will charge you a commission and allowed advanced reservation and payment.

Ticket fare: $49 (Soft Seat) – $70 (Hard berth) – $72 (Soft berth) – Agent Fare

Want a return? Check the timetable for Trains from Hue to Ho Chi Minh City